Vacation Donation Program Guidelines - Catastrophic Illness/Medical Condition Plan
Human Resources
Functional Category:
Human Resources
Policy Author/Contact:
Director, Human Resources
View Permission:
Last Updated:
Friday, July 10, 2020

We recognize that any employee may have a catastrophic situation that results in a need for time off and salary supplement after accrued leave or disability benefits run out. Being able to continue pay during time off is helpful during crisis or catastrophic events, or to care for your own or a loved one’s critical health needs. For these situations, the SLAC Vacation Donation Program allows eligible employees to take paid time off after their other leave options are exhausted.
To address this need, employees that meet the eligibility criteria below may donate accrued vacation leave hours from their unused balance to a central leave bank. Donated hours in this central bank can be made available to employees who have been affected by a catastrophic situation and meet the eligibility criteria in accordance with program guidelines. Participation in this program is strictly voluntary for both donors and requestors.
Policy URL (login required):
Vacation Donation Program Guidelines - Catastrophic Illness/Medical Condition Plan (PDF)